

About Me

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Sydney, NSW, Australia
lol....i aint gonna say much, i usually dont, but here goes. Im easy going, think alot, i dont say much, but sometimes i say alot when it counts if u know what i mean. I like to do most things on my own and dont like help too much as some of my friends will tell u. I like to draw and have been drawing since i was in class 4. "Technically" i am also color blind (yeah u guessed it i draw most of my pics in black and white lol)...and hard of hearin (a great frustration for my friends).

Monday, August 11, 2008

So the last session is in session

Im still living in my old apartment and havent moved to the new place yet. delays delays delays. I got an sms today from Peter (the new owner) that if all goes according to plan than we will move in next weekend. Good news indeed but given all the delays I am not too hopeful.......okay lol! maybe I AM =p. This means only 1.5 weeks to go!

Ive bought quite a few novels to keep me occupied.....but mainly because I like Science Fiction and Fantasy and like collecting them. A book is always a nice buy in my opinion. A book is full of ideas, words, and lessons whether it is fiction or not. There are always some parallels we can find in them with our own lives and thoughts. Hence, I like to collect books that I like. Once I have read them, I pass them on to my brothers or sister or cousins spreading the fan base and knowledge and after a few years, maybe even read through them again!

I can ramble for long hours or even days on how much I love some of the characters and stories I have read over the years. Characters whom I probably will never forget. Not only are they entertaining, and interesting but like an Aesope Fable they're are lessons to be learned in their stories.

But of all the benifits of reading a novel, None out weigh the broadening of mind if one stops and ponders on stories and tales beyond just the words.


My last session may end up being my hardest yet. Funny how I always planned it to be my easiest and it turned out to be just the opposite. I am taking Computer Graphics (My love for the field finally made me take the plunge and now I fear I should have taken it earlier), Software Construction - Techniques and tools, Data Structures and Algorithms, and e-Enterprise Project.

I have three classes on monday from 11am till 9pm and the only thing that keeps my motor running is the fact that I have no major classes the rest of the week. Assignments are out and the project course is just one big group project throughout the session so I already have quite a lot to juggle.

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