

About Me

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Sydney, NSW, Australia
lol....i aint gonna say much, i usually dont, but here goes. Im easy going, think alot, i dont say much, but sometimes i say alot when it counts if u know what i mean. I like to do most things on my own and dont like help too much as some of my friends will tell u. I like to draw and have been drawing since i was in class 4. "Technically" i am also color blind (yeah u guessed it i draw most of my pics in black and white lol)...and hard of hearin (a great frustration for my friends).

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Taliban

I must admit, when I was a young student studying in Pakistan from 2000 to 2004, watching the news that was shown around the world at the time about the war in Afghanistan, I was taken aback by the stories that I heard.

Stories of oppression, murder and violence done by the Taliban on innocents. I was younger, foolish and more naive back then. I have since come to understand that things in this world today are rarely what they appear to be. I pray that God forgives me for condemning a people unjustly and without evidence.

What was not made apparent in the media back then has only recently hit the main stream media now - but I am sure there were probably many in Afghanistan at the time who probably new really well what was going on.....I am of course speaking about the mass amount of drugs and drug trafficking that emanates from that region.

I am sure that there is more to the "one sided" Taliban (literally means the Students) are devils on earth story and I implore all thinking persons, people who seek truth so that it may empower them to delve deeper into the situation and history and try to find out what really happened and is happening in Afghanistan.

Especially as Muslims, we owe it to our brothers to understand. I personally have come to believe that in a group of any large gathering or any large population - the minority are righteous and good. It is a personal belief that comes from a few sources. This very belief causes me to also believe that there are probably many in the Taliban who violate and cross the limits set down by Allah (Subhanhu watalah), but this belief of mine also makes me believe that there are a few among them who must be good.

The killing of innocents is forbidden in Islam. At the same time, Islam encourages us to fight against oppression. In a nut shell, I believe it all comes down to knowing the limits set down by Allah.

Allah said in the Quran in Surah Al-Ma'ida (The table spread) Verse 32:

"...that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people..."

Below is another extract from a presentation by Sheikh Khalid Yasin when asked about the Taliban. It is inappropriately titled "The Truth about Taliban". I believe God and those few who were privileged know the truth about the Taliban. Let us research more so that we may be enlightened.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Haris. You have rightfully mentioned Quranic sayings that a murderer of one human being is like a murderer of whole human race. Do you know how people were killed by Taliban when they came into power? They killed all those Muslims who were opposed to their rule. Is that the way to establish a Muslim state? Do you think that a powerful group should kill all shias, ahmedis, grave-worshipers, hindus to create a Islamic state in any Muslim land? This is not a hypothetical question as the same method had been used by Taliban and their supporters to establish so called Islamic rule in Sawat. Unfortunately many sheikhs have no concept of Islam and how a Muslim community should perform its communal duties, they are just emotionally attached to Taliban, like the one u have linked. These so called sheikhs are blinded by hatred of the West and they are leading all their followers to a very wrong path. May Allah give them some sense and save those who listen to them. Mansoor